Five Creative Maternity Pose Ideas

My Favorite Maternity Pose Ideas

With each of my sessions, I try to keep a fresh slate of ideas for the session โ€“ but here are five of my favorite maternity pose ideas that I keep an eye out for ๐Ÿ™‚


Whenever possible, I LOVE capturing reflections. This can be off of a window, mirror, or still water.

maternity pose ideas

Using Shadows

Similar to reflections, capturing shadows is another fun and creative way to pose for maternity portraits. The sun needs to be pretty low in the sky, so these are typically only possible in the early morning or in the evening. For maternity sessions, I will typically make a shadow of a heart over the baby bump ๐Ÿ™‚

maternity pose ideas

Sun Flare

Capturing sun flare in images is probably my favorite idea for maternity portraits; and portraits in general. Just like capturing shadows, the sun typically needs to be pretty low in the sky in order to do this. You can replicate something similar in Photoshop; however, I do not do this. Any sun flare that shows up in my images are captured naturally.maternity pose ideas

Framing The Subject

There are a lot of different things that you can use to frame a subject. Common ideas can be a door frame or some type of structure. For this image, I used a window pane to frame the couple.

maternity pose ideas

Shooting Through Plants or Flowers

Getting objects โ€“ such as plants or flowers, in the foreground of images is a really creative way to get great maternity images. When I am taking these types of images, I look a little creepy because many times it requires me to be in a bush! Kind of like a voyeur ๐Ÿ™‚ My couples think its funny โ€“ as long as we get a really good image in the end!

maternity pose ideas

Hopefully these poses give you some ideas for your next portrait session. If you are expecting a child, I would love to connect with you and brainstorm some fun ideas for your own maternity session. The best way to reach out to me is right through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556