Harry Potter Themed Family Photos

Themed Family Photos

One way to make your family photos unique is to have a theme behind it. This is what Sean and his family decided to do for their session… when you think back on this time in your life, what do you want to remember the most? In Sean’s case, it was everything Harry Potter! Kids get older and eventually grow out of the some things that were fun for them as kids. I’m sure they will get a kick out of seeing these images, many years down the road 🙂

For this session, we spent most of the time allowing Benji to just be a kid! We ran, we jumped, and he even cast a spell on me which turned me into a girl! For five minutes I was no longer Steven – but Stephanie!

family photos

Making Use of our Surroundings

When I take family photos, I like to make use of our surroundings. If it is Fall, I’ll have you and your family throwing leaves. We can jump off of GIANT rocks. Or in this case, we can have Mom and Dad lift a long tree branch with “Harry Potter,” hanging from it 🙂

family photos

family photos

Showing A Little Affection

I have a three year old daughter. She’s just at that age where she refuses to be referred to as a “baby.” So every time I call her this, I make a pact with her that she is in fact a “big girl,” but that she will always be “Daddy’s Baby.” She promises to let me keep calling her this – just as long as I recognize that she is also a big kid 🙂 Just like kids will grow out of being called a “baby,” I’m sure they will get to a point where kissing Mom-and-Dad will go out of style! So I try and capture moments where kisses and hugs are still cool!

family photosfamily photos

What do you want to remember most about this time in your lives? Think about that and shoot me a quick note through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556