Fun Games To Play At Baby Showers

Fun Games to Play At Baby Showers

No doubt, what makes a baby shower fun and memorable are the games! Here are three fun games to play at baby showers… I am sure the mentioned games have actual “names” – but I’ll name them off of their description 🙂fun games to play at baby showers

Who’s Watching The Baby?

This is a really fun game to play! As guests start to arrive, you hand each of them a plastic baby. Everyone must take good care of their baby – so that they are not stolen. This means that you cannot sit the baby on a table or anywhere that other players can take them. If someone notices that you’ve put the baby down and it is unattended, they can steal your baby. The person with the most babies, by the end of the shower wins!fun games to play at baby showers

Present B.I.N.G.O.

I’ve seen a lot of games at baby showers – but this was the first time I had seen this one. Guests are handed blank BINGO cards. After all of the guests have arrived with their gifts, everyone must fill in the squares with gifts that they think the mommy to be will receive. The first one to get their card filled out wins!fun games to play at baby showers

Find The Dirty Diaper

This is another game that starts as guests start to arrive. Before the party, diapers are made with bobby pins. As guests trickle into the party, each one has a diaper pinned to their shirt. Two of the diapers are prepared with yellow or brown felt paper to represent a “dirty diaper.” When it is time to reveal the winner, the two people with the dirty diapers win a prize 🙂fun games to play at baby showersfun games to play at baby showersfun games to play at baby showers

Whose Water Broke?!

The last game requires everyone to grab a drink! Pro TIP: If you really want to win this game, you can probably grab a beverage that is a little on the warm side 😉 Guests are given an ice cube with a tiny baby frozen on the inside. The winner of this game is the first person to un-freeze their baby!fun games to play at baby showers

A great resource for games and decorations are Etsy and Party City

If you are planning a baby shower, hopefully these give you some great ideas on fun games to play. And of course, I’d love to photograph your event to see all of the other fun ideas you have 🙂 The best way to reach out to me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


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