Newborn Portrait Poses and Ideas

My Favorite Newborn Portrait Poses and Ideas

The addition of a baby to the family can be a VERY stressful time – especially if it is your first! I remember bringing my daughter home from the hospital and finally coming to the realization that I am a parent! It is a scary feeling 🙂 With all of the stress involved in caring for a newborn, your newborn portraits should be fun and a celebration of this special time. Here are my favorite newborn portrait poses and ideas – to make for an enjoyable session.

newborn portrait poses

Keep Things As Simple As Possible

The best thing that you can do is to keep it simple! Newborn portraits take up more time and are more complicated than most people even realize. Some babies are really calm and easy to work with; and other babies seem to know what is going on and are set on disrupting all of the beautiful poses and cute ideas that you had planned. Most studios who specialize in newborn portraits take 5 or 6 hours to complete some of the cute poses that you may have seen on Pinterest! Along with this, many of the poses require a lot of additional editing in Photoshop to manipulate the image.

So I say to keep things as simple as possible. Pick out a couple of cute outfits, a couple of props – and keep in mind that not everything may go as planned. My main goal for newborns is to get some  simply posed images of the baby alone and some images of the family holding and interacting with the baby. newborn portrait poses

Schedule Your Session Shortly After The Baby Is Born

The best time to take newborn portraits is in the first 3-7 days after the baby has arrived. At this time, the baby still sleeps for the majority of the day and it is a little easier to get them to cooperate. Also keep in mind that some of the time spent will be feeding the baby and making sure that they are comfortable.

newborn portrait poses

Make Sure To Include All The Family

Last but not least, make sure to plan on including other family members. This is especially significant with other little ones. One thing to keep in mind is that the addition to the family really affects other children you may have. Most of the attention is spent on the new baby and toddlers will often feel left out – if they are not included into the session. newborn portrait poses

Hopefully these are a few useful newborn portrait poses and ideas to help you get the most out of your session 🙂 If you are expecting an addition to your family, I’d love to connect with you. The best way to reach me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556