Studio Headshots

Professional Studio Headshots

I cannot stress the importance of a clean, professional headshot. They go a long way in establishing yourself as a business professional; and they set a GREAT first impression. Here are some examples of professional studio headshots and three tips on how to look your best.

professional studio headshots

You Have to SMILE!

Perhaps my biggest tip for headshots is that you have to give a confident and approachable smile. In my experience, most people believe that they are smiling bigger than they actually are. An easy way to think about the type of expression you should be giving is this: the expression of your headshot should be similar to the expression you would give to someone when you first meet them and shake their hand. It is not a mug shot or an employee badge picture 🙂 When someone looks at your headshot, they may glance at it for just a couple of seconds. In that short amount of time, they are deciding whether or not you are friendly, if they want to do business with you etc. professional studio headshots

Don’t Worry About The Little Details

You shouldn’t worry too much about all of the little details. Put on your favorite shirt, tidy up a little bit – and the Photographer will handle the rest 🙂 The final images that you’ll receive will be touched up to minimize fly away hairs, blemishes; and I’ll also whiten your teeth and soften your skin. So do not sweat these little details 😉

professional studio headshots

NEVER Say That You Are Horrible At Taking Pictures

Last but not least, NEVER say that you are bad at taking pictures! As a Photographer, this is one of the worst things that I occasionally hear from clients. Sure – everyone is capable of taking a bad picture. But you do not want to psych yourself out with these negative thoughts. Stay positive, be confident – and it will show in the pictures 🙂

professional studio headshots

I hope that these tips were useful! If you are in need of a new or updated headshot, I’d love to connect with you 🙂 The best way to reach out to me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556