Family Photos at Martial Cottle Park

Family Photos at Martial Cottle Park | Stacey

Family photos are a lot easier than I think most people realize. Sure, if someone points a giant camera in your face and says, “1,2,3 CHEESE,” it can be a little awkward! I try not to do this 🙂 Rather than focusing on getting the perfect pose and image, I try to mix in some fun and candid images of the families that I photograph. I find that these are the types of images that the majority of people appreciate and it makes the session a lot more fun and easy going. Here are some of the family photos at Martial Cottle Park of Stacey and her family.

Family Photos at Martial Cottle Park

Having Fun Is Important

First and foremost, family portraits have to be fun. When you are having fun, I find that these help to create the best and most memorable photos. Although you may think it’s a ridiculous idea at the time, you’ll enjoy the moments when it is still cool and acceptable to tickle your kids, toss them in the air, and dress up and coordinate outfits. I have no doubt that you will look back and appreciate these moments. Also, when you allow your children to have fun, they will be more inclined to take a handful of images where they are smiling really big for the camera. I understand that these types of images are also important 😉

Go With The Flow

Another thing that I have learned to do, over the years, is to just go with the flow. I believe that asking for input from children and mixing in some fun poses that they will enjoy – adds a lot of benefit to the session. This gets children more engaged and excited for the session. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d say the average kid is a 3 in terms of being excited for the session. Once they see that we are just hanging out and having fun, you get their natural reactions – which is one of my main goals for every session.

If you like fun and candid images and want to take family portraits of your own, I would love to connect with you. The best way to reach me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556