Wedding Photography at Holy Family Parish

Wedding Photography at Holy Family Parish | Kristin & Joseph

Kristin & Joseph tied the knot with a beautiful ceremony at Holy Family Parish in San Jose. Most of the wedding ceremony’s that I shoot take place at wedding venues like wineries, golf courses, etc. It was refreshing to change things up a little bit. Holy Family was a beautiful location for a wedding ceremony and here are some of the images we captured. Wedding Photography at Holy Family Parish is great – but there are many things to consider when hiring a Photographer for a ceremony in the church. Here are my top three recommendations.

Wedding Photography at Holy Family Parish

Make Sure Your Photographer Has Shot in a Church Before

Believe it or not, shooting a wedding inside of a church is completely different than most other wedding venues. One of the major differences is the availability of light. Although your eyes may easily be able to see all that is going on, a camera sensor is much different. With less available light, having the experience to adjust your camera settings is VERY important. For example, your settings when something is not moving will be much different than when the Bride is moving and coming down the aisle.

Have Your Photographer Attend The Day Before Walk Through

Another really important thing to keep in mind when hiring a Photographer for a church wedding is to see if they can attend the day before walk through. During the walk through, the Priest or one of the coordinators will go over all of the ground rules for the ceremony. The important thing to understand is that every church is different in the rules that they enforce. For example, some churches do not allow the Photographers to stand in or near the main aisles at any time. So when the Bride is coming down the aisle, for example, this may affect where we stand. There are many other rules that will be beneficial to know before shooting your ceremony. Attending the walk through will enable the Photographer to know exactly how the entire ceremony will proceed. And this is important 😉

A Second Photographer or “Shooter” is a Must!

Last, but not least, make sure that your Photographer will be bringing a second “shooter”/Photographer. For weddings inside of the church, this is very important. Because there are a lot of restrictions on where the Photographers can be, how often they can move around, etc., it is critical that there are multiple angles being photographed. Often times, one Photographer will be in a position to capture an important moment in the ceremony – at one given time; and the next moment, the other Photographer will be in a good position to capture another moment just a minute later. Working as a team to capture every part of your wedding ceremony is important.

If you are planning a wedding – in or out of the church – I would LOVE to connect with you. The best way to reach out to me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556