Our Trip To Disneyland Captured on 35mm Film 🙂
To say that my wife and daughter are obsessed with Disneyland is an understatement! As a family, we go to Disneyland at least 5 or 6 times each year; and I have grown to like it a little more over the years… this trip, I decided to take pictures of our time in Disneyland with my analog camera. I really enjoyed shooting in film. It was a totally different process than I am used to and it was exciting to take a bunch of pictures, send them off to get developed, and get them back. Most of them turned out really great, some of them were out of focus; but I enjoyed capturing the trip in a style I am just getting used to. Here are a bunch of the images that I took of our trip.
Day 1 & 2: Encinitas To Visit With Family
Brooke Practicing on the piano
Since it was raining on the first couple of days, we decided to visit with family in Encinitas. If I ever hit the Lotto, this is probably where we would relocate 🙂 Pictures would be free… or close to it!
Our favorite restaurant in Encinitas
Day 3: Disneyland
On the third day of the trip, the rain stopped and we made our way to Disneyland. The park wasn’t too crowded and we spent most of the day inside of the park! I think we arrived to the park at 11am and left around 6pm.
Day 4: California Adventures
On day 4 of the trip, we finished up with California Adventures. We spent most of the day in the park, again 🙂 It was a lot of fun and I managed to last the entire time. No complaining and wanting to leave. This is an improvement for me!