Outdoor Family Portraits With Kids – 3 Tips

Outdoor Family Portraits With Kids – Some Tips

If you have children between the ages of 2-4, pulling off family portraits can be a daunting task! No need to worry, I have a few tips that may be helpful 🙂 Here are three tips for outdoor family portraits with kids.

Tip #1: Make Sure To Bring Another Outfit

outdoor family portraits with kids

If you put a lot of time and consideration into the outfits you have chosen for the session, make sure to bring a back up. For the kids – at least. If your child can run/walk, this is one of the best ways to capture really fun and candid images. With that being said, sometimes kids may fall or stumble on the grass or dirt. And having a back up outfit is SMART. We do not want the session to be “ruined” by a little dirt 🙂

Tip #2: Know The Best Way To Get A Smile Out Of Them

outdoor family portraits with kids

There are probably five or six ways that I can usually get a kid to smile for portraits. Since you will be WAY more familiar with your child, I will rely on you for what will work best. Some kids really LOVE being thrown in the air; and others are terrified. If I can avoid tears, that will be a good thing!

outdoor family portraits with kids

Some examples of ways we can get them to smile are: throwing them in the air, tickling them, spinning them in a circle, putting them on your shoulders, hanging them upside down, and letting them run or jump. Baby Bridgette made a cute pose when her parents said, “How big is Bridgette???” and she put her arms in the air and gave a really great smile. If you have something like this that will get a smile, don’t hold back!

Tip #3: Balloons And Bubbles

outdoor family portraits with kids

You can feel free to bring anything to the session that you’d like, but balloons and bubbles work really well for kids. Getting candid, cute pictures of them playing with something like a balloon is a good idea. But anything that they like will work.

outdoor family portraits with kids

PRO TIP: Whatever you do, try not to give them your phone. Once they get this, they will be distracted and there is about a 5% chance that they will want to continue taking pictures 😉

outdoor family portraits with kids

If you’re looking for fun, candid family portraits, I’d love to hear from you. The best way to reach out to me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 634 N Santa Cruz Ave STE 106

Los Gatos, CA 95030

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556