Fun Family Photos In Palo Alto

Fun Family Photos In Palo Alto | Mini

The Elizabeth Gamble Garden is one of my favorite places to take portraits. At most times of the year, the flowers are in bloom and there are a lot of great places in and around the garden for portraits. Here are some of the fun family photos in Palo Alto of Mini and her family. As well as the top three things Photographers do – that you may not notice, during a photo session.

Place You In The Best Light

One of the main jobs of a professional Photographer is to understand the difference between bad and good light. While it may be counter intuitive, all light is not good light. The best light is light that is soft and flattering. This is typically found in shaded areas or at times of the day when the sun is low in the sky or obstructed by clouds. PRO TIP: cloudy days are great for portraits!

Provide Instruction On Posing And Different Groupings

Another thing that a professional Photographer will do is provide all of the instructions on posing and groupings. Posing can be different, depending on the type of session, but the Photographer will have plenty of poses and ideas prepared for the session. For family portraits, my main objective is to capture a handful of images where everyone is looking at the camera. And then I like to incorporate some fun poses that show a little more personality. With children, I like to get images of them “being kids.” There is going to come a time when they are too big to be picked up; and it is just not cool to take certain poses 🙂

Another thing that I like to do is to make sure that all of the various groupings are photographed. I like to start off with a big group shot of everyone; and then we can get all of the different groupings. For example, just the kids, Mom & Dad alone, Grandparents with the kids, etc.

Keep An Eye Out For Distractions In The Background

Last but not least, Photographers also keep an eye out for distractions in the background. Distractions can be many different things. They can be people walking by, cars driving in the background. And they can be a background that is MUCH brighter than the lighting that the subjects are in. Images with distractions in the background can take away from the main subject in the images – and so this is VERY important 🙂

If you enjoyed the fun family photos in Palo Alto of Mini and her family, I would love to connect with you. I enjoy capturing fun, candid images that feel unposed for families. The best way to reach me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556