Business Headshots In San Jose

Business Headshots In San Jose | Snehal

One of the best ways to establish yourself or your business is through professional headshots. In today’s society, pictures play a major role in people’s everyday lives. According to Red Cow Marketing, people see between 4,000-10,000 images or ads each day! If you or your business do not have professional headshots – this can turn potential clients away. Seeing headshots before interacting with you helps to build rapport, and gives people a glimpse into who you are. Below are a few examples of some of the business headshots in San Jose of Snehal. As well as how different outfit choices communicate different messages to clients.

Casual Headshots

Not every headshot needs to be taken wearing a suit and tie. If your business has more of a casual feel to it, your headshots should match. While taking certain headshots in a suit and tie may make sense for certain professions, it doesn’t always apply to each business. For example, a suit and tie may give the wrong impression to someone looking for a Personal Trainer. Also consider that casual headshots can be used to compliment other traditional business headshots. If there is a company that you are planning to do business with that has a casual, “start up” vibe to it, a casual headshot is preferred. Some of my past clients work as contractors with Facebook, for example. Facebook does not allow their employees to dress in anything but casual attire and having a headshot that reflects this can be important – in this scenario.

Business Casual Headshots

Business casual headshots are in between a casual and traditional headshot. These types of headshot can be taken with solid colored dress shirt. Business casual headshots are a perfect medium ground between casual and traditional headshot outfits.

“Traditional” Business Headshots

Traditional headshots will usually include a suit and/or a tie. The suite jacket gives off a very business like feel to it. And this works great for many different professions. I highly recommend taking a variety of different headshot “looks.” It is best to have all three types of headshots because you never know when one may be preffered over the other.

Hopefully these business headshots in San Jose of Snehal can give you an example of the types of headshots you want to take. If you or your company are in need of updated headshots, I would LOVE to connect. Thanks!


address: 634 N Santa Cruz Ave STE 106

Los Gatos, CA 95030

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556