Website Branding Photos | Four Uses

Website Branding Photos | 4 Ideas On How To Use Photos For Your Business

Images – professional images :), are a MUST for any small business. They help tell the story of how your business is different than other competitors. And they help potential clients feel comfortable with your “brand.” Here are four ideas on how to use website branding photos for your business.

Social Media

Perhaps the most important way to use website branding photos is on social media. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter all have different styles. It is important to have a wide variety of images that showcase your personality. For example, images taken for LinkedIn are going to be more business centered. And images on Instagram can show your personality.

Your “About Me” Page

When it comes to your website, the “about me” page is where you’ll want to have a few pictures. This area of your website will tell clients who you are and what your business is about. Not having a professional picture here – or no picture at all, is a missed opportunity.

Marketing Material

If you regularly send out marketing material, you’ll need some images for this as well. If you are able to have a variety of images, having different images than what is posted online is a good idea. Marketing material can be used for not only email marketing but also physical marketing material that can be handed to potential customers.

Your Email Signature

Last but not least, I really like the idea of using an image in your email signature. Email may be the only chance you have to connect with clients with an image. Seeing a professional image at the bottom of your email is a GREAT way to build rapport!

If you have a small business, you NEED professional imagery! Hopefully these four tips on how to use website branding photos was helpful 🙂 The best way to reach me is a quick email. Or through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556