The Difference Between Capturing And Creating Wedding Images

The Difference Between Capturing And Creating Wedding Images | Four Ways To CREATE Beautiful Images

When it comes to wedding photography, there is a thin line between capturing and creating wedding images. And there are parts of a wedding day where a Wedding Photographer will need to be able to do both. Ideally, the more images that are “created” – the better. But this really depends on the Wedding Photographer’s style and it also has a lot to do with their experience. Here are four ideas I keep at the front of my mind when it comes to creating wedding images of your special day 🙂

I Look To Capture The Moment First And THEN Create Images Afterwards

The one thing about weddings is that they are very fast paced. And there are certain moments in the day that you just have to capture the moment. And there is little or no time to try to create anything. The moment, in-and-of itself, just needs to be captured. For example, when the Bride or Groom is coming down the aisle. This moment needs to be captured; and if you can create an interesting image in this moment – that is icing on the wedding cake 😉 For many segments of the wedding day, I like to make sure that the moment is captured and then I look for ways to create images of the moment.

Having Something In The Foreground Makes An Image Interesting

One of my favorite ways to create an image is by having something in the foreground of the image. Having something in the foreground creates intrigue in an image. The person who is viewing the image feels like they are in the moment; and it helps to create context.

Reflections Are Sometimes Hard To Find – But These Can Help Create Beautiful Images

Another way to create an image is to capture it through a reflection. Reflections are much more interesting than an image that is captured straight on. Some of my favorite shots to get reflections in are of the rings and of Brides or Grooms getting ready with a mirror nearby. Sometimes the situation does not present itself – but I ALWAYS look for opportunities for reflections.

Only The Subject Of The Image Should Be In Focus

Last but not least, creating images with a “blurry” background make an image interesting. If you have an iPhone, it is similar to portrait mode. The difference between a professional camera and an iPhone is that the combination of a Wedding Photographers camera and lens can do this automatically 🙂 Images where the subject appears to be cut out of the background seem WAY more interesting than an image where everything is in focus.

If you are planning a wedding, I would love to connect with you to learn more about your wedding and to explain my approach to wedding photography! The best way to reach me is through a quick email ([email protected]). Or through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556