Wedding Day Tips |Five Suggestions

Wedding Day Tips | 5 Suggestions For Your Wedding Day

Every couple hopes to have their wedding day go as smooth as possible. And to have great pictures of the entire day! With weddings, things can be very fast paced – and so planning is really important. Here are 5 wedding day tips to help you have the best wedding day possible πŸ™‚

Schedule A Day Before Walkthrough At Your Wedding Venue

One of the things I recommend most is scheduling a day before walkthrough at your wedding venue. During your walkthrough, the venue will go over where everyone will be standing during the ceremony. But this is also a great time to go over all of the little details. If I am available to attend the day before walkthrough, I like to go over a few tips with couples and the bridal party.

  • Smile While You Are Walking Down The Aisle: One of the tips I like to give, for the bridal party and the wedding couple, is to look up and smile as you are walking down the aisle. It may seem really simple, but when you are nervous – you may naturally look down at the ground. For great pictures of this moment, just look towards the alter and remember to smile πŸ˜‰ Also – take your time and walk about 25-50% of your normal walking pace.
  • Pause At The Beginning of The Aisle: Another tip for the Bride/Groom meeting their partner at the alter is to take a brief pause. The 2-3 seconds that you pause at the beginning of the aisle will allow for your guests to get a good look at you. It will also allow your partner to take in the moment. And your Wedding Photographer will get great shots of this moment as well!
  • Hold Your First Kiss: Another small tip I like to give couples is to hold your first kiss. Just 2-3 seconds should do the trick πŸ˜‰ Holding your first kiss for a brief moment will allow your Wedding Photographer to get a bunch of good shots of this moment. Also, if you have bubbles, rice, or flowers you want your guests to shower you with – this will allow them enough time to get everything ready!

Make Time For A Few Moments Alone With Your Partner

The one thing about weddings – is that they are very fast paced. Especially after the wedding ceremony ends. Things go really quick. I recommend scheduling just a few minutes of alone time. A popular wedding day trend is to have a β€œfirst look.” This is a great moment to have photographed and a chance to spend a few minutes alone together afterwards. If you do not plan on having a first look, right after the ceremony is also great. At this time, the wedding certificate is getting signed and your Wedding Photographer will begin organizing your formal portraits.

List All of Your Formal Pictures With Your Photographer

Another one of my best wedding day tips is to list out all of your formal pictures. I like to meet with couples about two weeks before the wedding day – to go over this and another questionnaire you will fill out. Listing out all of these are REALLY important – because these are some of the most important photos of the entire day. And it is really easy to forget a group or two if you do not have everything written down.

Take Table Shots Or Informal Group Portraits During The Reception

A part of your wedding day that is sometimes overlooked are table shots. These are typically taken around dinner (when most people will be at their tables). It allows you and your partner to go to each table, chat for a quick moment with your guests, and get a picture of everyone at the table. Depending on your timeline, you may not get a lot of one-on-one time with your guests. And table shots are an opportunity to mingle with guests and to take a picture with them. If you are not able to schedule table shots, make sure to still get some informal group shots with your guests πŸ˜‰

Make Sure To Speak Up On Anything You Need or Want on Your Special Day

The last of my wedding day tips is to make sure to speak up on ANYTHING you want on your wedding day. Everyone at the wedding is there to make sure your day is special. If you want a drink, just ask. And if there is a picture that you come up with – make sure to let your Wedding Photographer know as well. If you have a wedding Event Coordinator, they are especially there to help out. But a Matron/Maid of Honor can also tasked with this duty πŸ™‚

Hopefully these five wedding day tips have been helpful πŸ™‚ If you are planning a wedding – I would love to connect with you and learn more about your wedding. The best way to reach me is through a quick email ([email protected]). Or through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


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