Why The Evening Is The Best Time For Portraits

FAQ’s – Why The Evening Is The Best Time For Portraits

One of the most frequently asked questions is, “what is the best time to take portraits?” Without really knowing the answer, people may assume that the time of day with the most light is best. And this is actually not true. Here are three reasons why the evening is the best time for portraits.

The Angle of the Sun is Important

When it comes to outdoor portraits, one of the first things to consider is the angle of the sun. The most flattering images come at the time of day when the sun is low in the sky. This is typically in the early morning (as the sun rises) and in the evening (when the sun is setting). At these times, the light from the sun is soft and even. If the sun is scheduled to set at 7 pm, the best time for the session would be around 5:45 or 6 PM. If you are planning to schedule your session for these times, it is important to arrive on time. Because when the sun sets there will be no more light 😉

The Color of Evening Light Is Very Vibrant

Another great reason to schedule portraits in the evening is because of the color of the light. In the evening, the light is bright and vibrant. And you may have even noticed this as you look at the sun setting from your home or as you drive home from work. Depending on the location, we can get images where the bright orange light of the sun is shooting through the image.

You Can Shoot In Any Direction

Lastly, the evening is a great time for portraits because you can typically shoot images in any direction. When taking outdoor images – when the sun is out – I always like to have clients face away from the sun. This ensures that they are not looking directly into the sun. And it is also important for the background of your images. Whenever possible, I prefer to have the subject and the background in the same lighting – so that the background is not too bright. In the evening, it is a lot easier to get images with even lighting in the background 😉

Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of why the evening is the best time for portraits. If you are looking to schedule your own session, I would love to connect. The best way to reach me is through a quick email or through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556