10 Things That Get Kids Smiling For Family Portraits

Useful Tips To Get Kids Smiling For Family Portraits

When it comes to kids, they generally do not “like” taking portraits. And very few of them can just smile on demand 🙂 So to get really nice images of kids, you have to have the right approach. In my experience, getting kids to smile mostly involves doing things that they like. Not every trick will work for every kid – but trying a combination of them should get them having fun! Here are 10 things that I have found that can get kids smiling for family portraits.

1. Running

Once kids get to the age when they are able to walk, it is hard to keep them in one spot for long! This is especially the case for kids who are around one year old. So to get them smiling, we can use this to their advantage 😉 Having them run by themselves, with a sibling, or into Mom or Dad’s arms are all ways that typically get them smiling.

2. Jumping Up-And-Down

Kids also really like to jump. If they are around one year old, they can hold someone’s hand. And if they are a little older, we can give it a try without the help of Mom and Dad. These types of shots work well for solo shots. But they can also be used to get them smiling for groups shots.

3. Spinning In Circles

Another way to get kids smiling for family portraits is to pick them up and spin in a circle. As soon as you stop, all of the adults can be looking at the camera. And the kids should be giving a really BIG smile. I will usually have Mom or Dad do this a few times – to make sure we get a few really good pictures of this.

4. Saying Things That They Like

I have come to find that kids also really like to say things that they like. I am not sure where making kids say “cheese” came from – but saying “1-2-3 CHEESE” is just not as fun as saying “ICE CREAM” or “COOKIES!” Asking kids their favorite cartoon, what they want to dress up as for Halloween, etc. also works well 😉 This kind of pose will typically work well for kids that are at least two years old.

5. Having Mom and/or Dad Be Silly

Another great way to get kids smiling for family portraits is to have Mom or Dad do something silly. This works for kids that are old enough to take simple instructions like sitting and closing their eyes. For this, I will have kids close their eyes and then let them know that when they open their eyes, Mom or Dad will be doing something silly. As soon as they close their eyes, they’ll be smiling. And if Mom or Dad do a good job being silly, this usually gets a really nice reaction!

6. Being Tickled

Kids also like being tickled. For these types of portraits, I like to capture everyone looking at and interacting with each other. To get everyone to stop and look at the camera, I might say “FREEZE.” I also like to have the kids tickle Mom and Dad as well. And these make for fun and candid portraits as well 🙂

7. Going On Top of Mom or Dad’s Shoulders

This does not always work with every kid – but most kids love being on top of Mom or Dad’s shoulder’s. While on top of your shoulders, adding a little hop or a quick spin can get kids smiling pretty easily.

8. Being Tossed In The Air

Another tried and true way to get kids smiling for family portraits is to toss them in the air. For kids 3 years old or younger, this works well. And it gives Mom and Dad a little workout! If your child is too big to be tossed in the air, just lifting them in the air also works 😉

9. Making Animal Sounds

For kids that are around 3 years or older, asking them to make animal sounds works really great. For these shots, I will quiz them. For example, “what sound does a cow make?” They’ll typically make an enthusiastic “MOOOO!” sound. Right after they say the sound is the perfect time to snap the picture.

10. Climbing

Last but not least, kids also really like to climb. If they are old enough to do this on their own, we can get some great pictures of them in their natural element! For these types of shots, I like to have Mom or Dad close by – just in case they slip.

Like I mentioned before, not all of these will work for each kid. But trying a combination of these will usually get kids to smile for family portraits 🙂


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