3 Tips On When To Update Your Headshot
Taking a headshot is something that should be at the top of every business person’s to-do list. They can be used for many different purposes. For example, on LinkedIn, your email signature and for marketing on your website. But another thing you will also want to consider is when to update your headshot. Here are a few tips on when you should be taking new headshots 😉
When You Get A New Job
One of the best times to take a new headshot is when you get a new job. Depending on your company, they may require you to take one and submit it to them. Or they may have an internal process to getting your headshot updated. If you are working with a new company, I would inquire about any specifications – such as the background, posing requirements, etc. Providing this to your Photographer will ensure that your new headshot meets all of the requirements of your company 😉
If You Are Looking For A Promotion
Another idea on when to update your headshot is when you are going for a new promotion. Especially if you are applying to a management position. One of the things to consider is that your headshot should match the job you have or are applying for. A little thing such as taking a headshot with different attire can make a big difference.
If Your “Look” Has Changed
Lastly, another opportunity to update your headshot is if your “look” has changed. Your look can change from time-to-time and so I typically recommend every couple of years. For example, the style of your hair may be different or you may now be wearing eye glasses. When your “look” significantly changes, you want to make sure that it matches with your headshot 😉
So remember, when to update your headshot can depend on getting a new job, applying for a promotion, or if your “look” has changed. Thanks!