Four Tips On How To Show Warmth Without Smiling In Headshots
If you are considering taking your first set of professional headshots. Or perhaps updating a headshot that you’ve taken several years back, there are several things to consider. Whether to take your headshots indoors or outdoors. What outfit to wear, etc. But perhaps the most important aspect of the headshot is striking the right pose/expression. Depending on the feel that you are going for, you may choose to smile big, with teeth. Or you may choose to give what I call a “half smile,” where you are not showing your teeth. Either of these approaches can work really well. However if you choose to give a half smile, your headshot should still be warm and inviting. Here are four tips on how to show warmth without smiling in headshots 🙂
Brighten Up The Feel Of The Headshots With A Colorful Background
One of the first ways you can show warmth without smiling in headshots is in your choice of the background. A plain white background works really well for most headshots. However, I recommend having a different colored background to show a little warmth. Similarly, adding a little splash of color in your outfit can accomplish the same goal. Even something as subtle as your earrings can be helpful.
Avoid Contrasty Lighting
The second tip on how to show warmth without smiling in headshots is by considering the lighting. The majority of the headshots that I take are evenly lit. To show warmth, both the subject and background of the headshot should be lit in soft, flattering lighting. Having contrasty lighting can give off more of an aggressive look to your headshot. And coupled with not smiling can give off a look that feels a little to aggressive.
A Slight Tilt Of The Head
Another way to show warmth without smiling in headshots is by your body language. A slight tilt of the head can give of a friendly feel, even if you are not smiling. For example, one of the most popular looks for headshots is the classic arms crossed pose. This can also work fine for a lot of headshots. However, crossing your arms and not smiling can give off an aggressive, “I’m the boss” kind of feel. If you like the arms crossed look for headshots, I recommend adding a big smile to this kid of pose.
Take The Headshot With A Slightly Higher Point Of View
Last but not least, I recommend taking the headshots at a slightly higher point of view. If your Photographer is significantly taller than you, there is not much else you need to do. However, if you are the same height or taller than your Photographer, I recommend taking the headshot sitting down. Taking your headshot from a high point of view can be more of a passive pose. And when coupled with not smiling, it can still give off a warm feel. Shooting from a low point of view, not smiling, and crossing your arms would be an example of a VERY aggressive pose. For 99% of headshots, this is not the feel you would want to give off 🙂
So if you are considering taking headshots and still want to show warmth, try to follow these tips. Thanks!