Small Business Headshot Tips

Three Small Business Headshot Tips

Headshots are one of the most important things you can do to for your small business. It helps potential customers and clients to get to know you before they decide to use your services. And the headshots can be used for a variety of different marketing needs. Before you take your headshots, you’ll want to consider these three small business headshot tips 😉

Make Sure Everyone Is Aware And Prepared

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is to make sure everyone is prepared for the headshots. I recommend sending out several emails leading up to the session date. If you have multiple people scheduled to take their headshots, you’ll want to make sure they are aware of this at least a week or so before the session. People may want to get a haircut, plan their outfit, or even grow a quick beard before the session. Giving everyone ample time to prepare will ensure that they are at their best when the session is scheduled 🙂

Consider The Type Of Headshots You Want – Indoor or Outdoor

Another thing to consider is whether you want to take the headshots inside or outside. Indoor headshots are the simplest option for most situations – but you may want to consider all of the pros and cons of outdoor headshots as well. I recommend touching bases with your Photographer to get their advice on what will work best for your company.

Take A Group Shot

Lastly, I also recommend taking a group shot of all of the employees. These shots area quick and easy to do and it can be added to your companies website for various purposes.

If you are considering updating your companies headshots, I hope these small business headshot tips have been helpful! Of course, if you are looking to schedule a session – I would love to connect with you 🙂 The best way to reach out is through a quick email or through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 1068 The Alameda Ste 200 A

San Jose, CA 95126

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556