Family Portraits at the Elizabeth Gamble Garden – 4 Fun And Candid Poses That Work For 3-6 Month Old Children
The Elizabeth Gamble Garden is a GREAT place for family portraits! Especially in the spring, summer, and fall -in the evening! Depending on your child’s sleep schedule, if you can schedule the session in the evening, the best time for outdoor portraits is definitely during “golden hour.” This is the 45-60 minutes before the sun sets. You can see exactly when the sun is setting, on any given day, by using a sunset calendar. Here are some of the recent family portraits at the Elizabeth Gamble Garden. As well as 4 fun and candid poses that work well for 3 to 6 month old children!
1: Over The Shoulder
Kids that are between the ages of 3 to 6 months old cannot show a smile on command and need the smile brought out of them! One of my favorite candid poses is a sitting pose where I am shooting over your shoulder. This pose can be with both parents or just one of the parents. For this pose, you can make funny baby noises and faces that will typically get a genuine reaction from your child!
2: Sitting “Peekaboo”
Another great candid pose for children is a peekaboo pose. For this pose, you will need to be sitting with the child on your lap, or the child can sit alone. Similar to the over the shoulder pose, this can be done with both parents or with a single person. In this pose, the babies hands are held and covering their eyes. On your own, you can cover-and-uncover their eyes to do a “peekaboo!” For some reason, kids LOVE this pose. The great thing is that you cannot tell that you are doing a “peekaboo” in the final image 😉
3: Lifting In The Air
Another fun and candid pose is lifting the child in the air. Some kids like this and others do not. If this is something that you do at home on your own, it typically works well for portraits. If you are able to schedule the session a week or more in advance, you can practice this pose at home. That way, at the time of the session your child is familiar with the pose 🙂
4: On Their Tummy
Last but not least, I also like to get solo images of the baby. Depending on the child, most kids that are 3-6 months old are able to pose on their tummy. If they are able to, we can also get shots of them sitting. I recommend using a blanket and doing this pose on the grass – just in case the child tips over 😉
If you have the opportunity to schedule family portraits at the Elizabeth Gamble Garden, you will LOVE the images! There are a lot of great backgrounds, and it is especially beautiful in the evening. With children that are 3-6 months old, candid poses work the absolute best. Hopefully this has given you some ideas for your very own session. Thanks!